Greece (27 tables)

admissions to museums and archaeological sites by month 2005-2023
admissions to museums and archaeological sites by year 2000-2023
air traffic 2002-2023
arrivals by country of origin 2005-2023
arrivals by month 2008-2023
arrivals by year 2005-2023
average duration of stay by country of origin 2005-2023
average per capita tourist expenditure 2005-2023
cruise basic data 2013-2022
expenditure per journey by country of origin 2005-2023
expenditure per overnight stay by country of origin 2005-2023
hotel beds by prefecture and year 2000-2023
hotel units and beds by category and year 2000-2023
overnight stays by country of origin 2005-2023
overnight stays by year 2005-2023
percentage distribution of total cruise passengers by port 2014-2022
percentage distribution of total cruise receipts by port 2013-2022
receipts by country of origin 2005-2023
receipts by month 2008-2023
receipts by purpose of travel 2005-2023
receipts by year 2005-2023
receipts of museums and archaeological sites by month 2005-2023
receipts of museums and archaeological sites by year 2000-2023
seasonality of non-residents' arrivals 2008-2023
tourism's contribution to employment 2008-2021
tourism's contribution to GDP 2008-2021
use of bed places in hotels and similar establishments by month 2003-2022

Click here to order the complete set of statistics (Greece, Greece's competitors, Europe, World - 43 tables).